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"Move it! People!"
Herd of Cats... soon to be Herd of Zombies
Because Left 4 Dead is a cooperative game and we are Herd of Cats...
New trailer from the Leipzig Games Convention.
I am so looking forward to this game. Coming November 2008.
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Those trailers are worthless without gameplay footage.
and the spelling of the game is wrong, should be "Left for Dead".
I think the authors are making a subtle joke. 4 player co-op, 4 dead players.... Left 4 dead.
I know we've been through this before. Sarcastic humour, look it up.
Sarcastic humour
Main Entry: sar·cas·tic
Pronunciation: \sär-ˈkas-tik\
Function: adjective
Date: 1695
1 : having the character of sarcasm
2 : given to the use of sarcasm : caustic
— sar·cas·ti·cal·ly \-ti-k(ə-)lē\ adverb
synonyms sarcastic, satiric, ironic, sardonic mean marked by bitterness and a power or will to cut or sting. sarcastic implies an intentional inflicting of pain by deriding, taunting, or ridiculing . satiric implies that the intent of the ridiculing is censure and reprobation . ironic implies an attempt to be amusing or provocative by saying usually the opposite of what is meant . sardonic implies scorn, mockery, or derision that is manifested by either verbal or facial expression .
Main Entry: 1hu·mor
Pronunciation: \ˈhyü-mər, ˈyü-\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English humour, from Anglo-French umor, umour, from Medieval Latin & Latin; Medieval Latin humor, from Latin humor, umor moisture; akin to Old Norse vǫkr damp, Latin humēre to be moist, and perhaps to Greek hygros wet
Date: 14th century
1 a: a normal functioning bodily semifluid or fluid (as the blood or lymph) b: a secretion (as a hormone) that is an excitant of activity
2 ain medieval physiology : a fluid or juice of an animal or plant; specifically : one of the four fluids entering into the constitution of the body and determining by their relative proportions a person's health and temperament b: characteristic or habitual disposition or bent : temperament c: an often temporary state of mind imposed especially by circumstances d: a sudden, unpredictable, or unreasoning inclination : whim
3 a: that quality which appeals to a sense of the ludicrous or absurdly incongruous b: the mental faculty of discovering, expressing, or appreciating the ludicrous or absurdly incongruous c: something that is or is designed to be comical or amusing
Hmmm. Looking up 'humor' brough some interesting results.
Sarcastic bodily fluid
Sarcastic animal juice
Sarcastic plant juice
I am goign to assume that when you were refering to Sarcastic Humor, you meant definition 3, which is an appeal to the ludicrous or absurdly incongruous. DUUUUUHHHHH
Perhaps I am being to subtle. I shall endevour to be more obvious when I am making a sarcastically humourous comment. Perhaps if I added the word: 'DUUUUHHH' at the end, it may help those that read my comments to detect when I am making such a comment. If that fails, I can always attach an image
it would be possible to assume you were being subtly sarcastic. But you have and therefore one cannot make that assumption.
Also, "Perhaps I am being to subtle". You mean too subtle.
Is it possible to Revek Revek??