You are hereBarnstorming: Saints Row 2 flying 101
Barnstorming: Saints Row 2 flying 101
#11 btw. No reason.
An exercise in crashing, exploding and going down in flames.
The picture on the left is obviously not my plane as its wings are still intact.
Saints Row 2 includes a Barnstorming Diversion. Barnstorming involves flying your plane through a somewhat challenging path. There are 35 different stunt locations. Flying through each one gains you a successful "Barnstorm," completing all 35 barnstorms gains you an achievement.
It's only 10g but it is a fun 10g. You have to go to the airport and get a plane out of your hanger and then fly it halfway across the map to a stunt location. You can find the location of the stunts by doing a quick Google search but I recommend these guys. Click on the barnstorming location icon and it will give you a written description of what is involved. Sometimes it is flying under a bridge, sometimes along the top of the bridge, sometimes between buildings and sometimes through a tunnel under a mountain. Knowing how much Stormblade enjoys flying he should at least try this Diversion.
Quick tips:
- I recommend the biplane – it is easy to control at all speeds
- Saints Row 2 pops up a "# of 35 completed" message across the screen when you successfully completed a Barnstorm. No message, no Barnstorm (even if you think it should have qualified)
- Saints Row 2 displays a small white text of "Barnstorming" on the right as you fly through the barnstorming area – just so you know you are in the right place
- you can complete barnstorming in a helicopter (or the UFO) if you prefer
I had some success last night barnstorming although I crashed (horribly) in my first attempt. That "you're smoked" message is really getting on my nerves. I wasn't in the biplane for this attempt. Once I switched to the biplane things got better.
In order:
- flew under three metal pipes of a gantry connecting a cargo ship to the dock – I had to do this twice as, apparently, direction matters
Still I completed six before crashing which is a success by my usual flying standards. I quit out after this for the night but plan on going back for more.
Barnstorming. Just one of the many diversions available in Stilwater.
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Although this is one activity that you really can't do without "cheating", as the locations aren't obvious and they're not marked in any way. Also, I didn't realize that website's map had instructions when you clicked the location icons. That helps!
I can't wait for a real game to come out so we can stop listening to you guys talking about this PoS.
Although I did find some mild entertainment stealing cars last night. The game still really, really sucks.
I played SR2 on the weekend, albeit not for very long, but I was not impressed. It's nothing special. I won't waste time writing up a long review that nobody will read either.
I give it:
My biased opinion, based on having this game shoved down our collective throats for several weeks, is that this game totally sucks.
I would totally read your review. How better to argue your erroneous conclusions?
P.S.: Half-paw ratings now available, BTW.
As this game really needs them.
Or Trailblazing? That one is best done with two people, so one can concentrate on driving while the other hurls firebombs. Septic Avenger is another good co-op one.
And while your at it, blow up each others cribs.
You're just jealous because we don't play with you anymore.
He's on a Fable II kick. Although I have to admit I would rather be playing Fable than SR2.
Actually, I'd rather be having my teeth removed with rusty pliers than play SR2.
You played the Dentistry diversion in SR2? Cool, how was it? Was there only rusty pliers, or did they have any other tools? Where you able to inhale the laughing gas before you used the tools on the patient? That must have been fun. I have not found the dentist office yet, where did you see it?
But there are reefers and alcohol to dull your senses (and give your health bar a quick recharge).