You are hereBlogs / Akuf's blog / WARNING! Latest NHL09 Update.
WARNING! Latest NHL09 Update.
Greetings Folks,
The lastest update for NHL09 causes 'cache freezes' on the console.
You get the latest update you will need to 'clear the cache'
unfortunately this also clears the updates for all other games as well.
To clear the cache
My Xbox
System Settings
Select Memory
Press Y for Devices
on the next screen make sure you have 'rename' highlighted
then press X, X, Left Bumper, Right Bumper, X, X
I haven't found any kind of link describing this problem yet.
But the freezing stopped after I cleared the cache
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How appropriate for the NHL.
Actually after doing some research this is actually a known issue with the NXE not the NHL09 Update.
This can happen with any update to any game. I found a few other forums that mention other games causing the problem. But once the the cache is cleared and you re-update it everything is good again.