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UndeadWalt's blog

To quote Bruce Campbell

By UndeadWalt - Posted on 19 November 2008

"...bunch of bitchy little girls."

There are two main reasons we have LAN parties. New game releases is our #2 reason. Our #1 reason appears to be birthdays.

It's understood that if you want to attend the Left 4 Dead co-op LAN party that you will arrange for your own copy of Left 4 Dead not to mention your own Xbox 360. Rented, bought, stolen (don't even think about it!), whatever.

It's not that hard. If you are a Nintendo head that doesn't want to play on Xbox 360 then don't. If you don't want to buy or play Left 4 Dead don't.

If I sound bitter its because I am. You should know this by now.

If you remember this Left 4 Dead event was originally for the four HoC members who wanted to play through the co-op campaign together. So much so, that we all arranged to take the day off. And if you thought asking your boss for the day off to kill zombies is easy, then you were wrong. We thought that it would be nice (kind even) to invite other HoC members who shared our interest to join us. Cue the drama! Who had any idea??? Okay, okay, HERD OF CATS, I probably should have.

Zombie updates

By UndeadWalt - Posted on 18 November 2008

What's happening with Zombie week

Thanks for all the excellent participation. Even the negative stuff.

Left 4 Dead LAN event is still on and you are expected to provide your own copy of Left 4 Dead rented or bought.

We are not forcing anyone to buy Left 4 Dead nor are we pointing a gun at your head (Ok, ok, I am not counting in game! What happens in Live stays in Live). Don't get it if you don't want to but keep in mind that the LAN is called "Left 4 Dead co-op LAN party" so.... Read more

Welcome to the Zombopacalypse

By UndeadWalt - Posted on 12 November 2008

ZOMBIE WEEK – you’re in or you’re.... Well, you’re in.

Welcome to Herd of Cats Zombie Week.

Welcome to Herd of Zombies! As a lead in to our Zombie Apocalypse LAN on November 21st We have Zombified the site. Enjoy. Or not.

Be prepared for our usual daily content, such as it is, along with all the Zombie goodness that you can handle.

Be sure to welcome our Temporary Admins and enjoy your stay. You may never be allowed to leave...

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