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A Random Moment

By Blackwalt - Posted on 04 November 2013

Herd of Cats style

So today I was running errands on Merivale Road. Nothing unusual about this. For some odd reason I find myself on Merivale Road fairly often. On Merivale Road there dwells a particular electronics store. An electronics store that has in its employee one of us, Graybush.

Now usually, I can can just drive by without even a glance. Usually. Sometimes, sometimes I even feel a twinge of guilt for not looking over or popping in. A small twinge.

Every once in a while these small twinges of guilt add up and I feel it necessary to drive through a Timmies, pick up a couple of coffees and then go to visit Graybush. It doesn't really alleviate the guilt but, hey, coffee.

To put this in proper perspective, I have visited him a grand total of twice in the past six months. That includes today.

Today, before I even left the house, I decided it would be nice to have a coffee break with Graybush and determined to pick up Timmies after my errands and pop in to visit. Why not. What's the worst that can happen.

Errands complete, coffees in hand, I was driving down Merivale Road toward my rendezvous. I call it a rendezvous because it sounds sexier! Rawr! Anyway, so I was driving and my phone went off. Not a call, just a text, so technically it just beeped. Except I had it on vibrate so really it just buzzed.

Great. My usual texts, at that time of the day are almost always emergencies. Minor ones but still. Almost always. So there I was driving down Merivale and my phone buzzed. Right as I entered the turn lane into Graybush's place of employment. Perfect timing. Doesn't that just figure.

Not wanting to look at my phone while driving I decided to park outside Graybush's first and then check my phone. Worst comes to worst I can at least drop off his coffee before leaving.

I pulled in, stopped the car and pulled out my phone to see what the emergency was...

That's no emergency, that's just Graybush! I hope he realizes how close he came to missing out on coffee!

Please note that we text each other less than we have coffee (together).

Please note, note: A verbal reply of "no" was provided to the question about a midnight launch.

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