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HoC X-Com Enemy Unknown – 105 days seems like a long time

By Blackwalt - Posted on 27 November 2013

And when I am spending it with you guys, it is...

    With the release of X-com Enemy Within I felt it was time to revisit the continuing story of the HoC X-Com team. When Last we left them they had just finished a dispute with the local union and were recovering from the loss of a popular teammate.

As you can tell from the lack of red X's in the banner I have reset the game from our last outing by loading a previous save.

While I could live without Colonel Gren Del, Major Kar Loff, Colonel Dark Nightowl, Colonel Gray Bush and Colonel Q-Bert I must admit to giving out a cry of dismay when I noticed one of the fallen was Colonel Claudia Schafer. It's no secret she is my favourite.

And no wonder:

She is even gifted! What can't she do? (not surprised by Col. I Ce and Col. GrenDel's results by the way)

She's like the Anti-Colonel Storm Blade, my least favourite soldier. I would go into the myriad issues against Colonel Storm Blade but that horse is already dead.

HoC X-Com Enemy Unknown - what has gone before:

  1. The first day
  2. The third (?) day
  3. The Fifth day
  4. On the Seventh day
  5. Eighth Day
  6. Nine Days In
  7. The Tenth Day
  8. It goes to Eleven
  9. On the Twelve day
  10. Unlucky thirteen
  11. You say two weeks, I say Fourteen days
  12. One Hundred and Three Days Later

HoC X-Com Roster:

  • Colonel Claudia 'Hardcore' Schafer. Assault. Missions: 27. Kills: 51.
  • Colonel Storm 'Nix' Blade. Sniper. Missions: 24. Kills: 41.
  • Colonel Q. 'Cargo' Bert. Support. Missions: 23. Kills: 37. Wounded.
  • Colonel I. 'Mr. Clean' Ce. Support. Missions: 20. Kills: 32.
  • Colonel Gray 'Casino' Bush. Heavy. Missions: 21. Kills: 44.
  • Colonel Dark 'Double Down' Nightowl. Assault. Missions: 20. Kills: 18.
  • Colonel Gren 'Specter' Del. Sniper. Missions: 10. Kills: 41.
  • Colonel Hard 'Collateral' Wood. Heavy. Missions: 14. Kills: 27
  • Colonel Sean 'Vandal' MCR. Assault. Missions: 13. Kills: 22.
  • Major Personal G. 'Vixen' Reviewer. Support. Missions: 15. Kills: 19.
  • Major Fung 'Atlas' Ster. Support. Missions: 11. Kills: 19.
  • Major Kar "Angel"Loff. Support. Missions: 13. Kills: 14.
  • Captain Fire 'Blitz' Chicken. Assault. Missions: 7. Kills: 10.
  • Lieutenant Stav "DJ" R0. Assault. Missions: 4. Kills: 6. Wounded.
  • Lieutenant War "Diesel"Tactix. Heavy. Missions: 5. Kills: 9.
  • Lieutenant Morice 'Ghost' Revek. Sniper. Missions: 6. Kills: 13. KIA
  • Sergeant Arc "Scotch"Ha1c. Support. Missions: 3. Kills: 3.
  • Sergeant J. "Shadow" DM. Sniper. Missions: 4. Kills: 6.
  • Corporal Anime Shimmer. Sniper. Missions: 4. Kills: 4. KIA
  • Corporal S Wag. Assault. Missions: 4. Kills: 6. KIA
  • Corporal Pwn Call. Heavy. Missions: 5. Kills: 3. KIA
  • Corporal N. Oir. Support. Missions: 4. Kills: 4. KIA
  • Squaddie A. Troll. Assault. Missions: 2. Kills: 2. KIA
  • Rookie A. Fadumamai. Undetermined. Missions: 1. Kills: 0 KIA
  • Rookie Snuffy D. Undetermined. Missions: 1. Kills: 0 KIA

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