You are hereSesquicentennial Logo Contest

Sesquicentennial Logo Contest

By Coxxorz - Posted on 04 December 2013

So by now you've probably seen the utter crap the Canadian Heritage Department has come up with for Canada's 150th Birthday (yes, that's what sesquicentennial means). In case you haven't, check out this article published in our local newspaper: ‘Amateurish’ sesquicentennial logos spark Canadian yawns. Even the ads on that site are designed better. And most of those are done in the Philippines!

So since the landmark occasion doesn't happen until 2017, I've decided to remedy the situation. Post your logo designs here, and I'll award a cool prize from the Coxxorz Vault of Goodies for the best - totally not chosen at random - entry. Enter as many times as you like. I'm going to send them ALL to the Canadian Heritage Minister (Shelly Glover?) in protest. I'd send it to Harpie himself, but he's tied up with some trivial crap right now. This is too important to wait!

So get designing, and let's show them that we want something better to represent this country on coins and collectibles for the next century or more. Don't let that honour go to some halfwit staff artist with Adobe Creative Suite 3! Shouldn't take more than a lunch break to crank out something decent.

Here, my cat just did this in like 2 seconds:

Now I just need to figure out where he stepped in a puddle of blood.

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I think I want this. But as I say that, I am still looking at my unplayed MW3.



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