You are hereHoC X-Com Enemy Unknown – has it really been 227 Days?
HoC X-Com Enemy Unknown – has it really been 227 Days?
This seems like a long time for a single game...
Remember I talked about the release of X-com Enemy Within? It's still in the shrink wrap until I finish the original X-Com Enemy Unknown.
So yesterday my internet went out. Somehow it is Rogers fault although it is hard to blame them for a hardware failure. I still do, I just have to work at it more. No internet meant it was time for a single player game. Hey look, X-Com Enemy Unknown.
Time to wake up the HoC X-Com team and launch the final mission. I activated "The Gollop Chamber" which might have been more ominous except that I had Colonel Gray Bush do it.
Blackwalt: "No grenades!"
Col. Bush: "Oh come on!"
After a surprisingly small amount of damage I was setting up the prime HoC X-Com team to take on the last mission: Temple Ship Assault."
"We finally have the strength to face the Ethereals on their own ship.
The future of humanity is at stake. Expect extreme resistance."
Then I immediately backed out of the mission as I discovered Colonel Claudia 'Hardcore' Schafer was unavailable. I had to put everything on hold for 4 days (game time) while she recovered. Somethings need to be endured but I wasn't going into the field without her.
The proud, the few, the Colonels...
Colonel Claudia 'Hardcore' Schafer, Colonel Storm 'Nix' Blade, Colonel Gray 'Casino' Bush, Colonel Sean 'Vandal' MCR, Colonel I. 'Mr. Clean' Ce, Colonel Q. 'Cargo' Bert.
And that is pretty much it. I am only half way through the mission as I quit out early. I still have to finish everything later. It doesn't look good by the way. Technically everyone is still alive but most of them are hurt and we only have one (of six) medical kits available. Thanks to Col. Q-Bert who wasted a medikit healing one point of damage from himself while Col. Schafer down to only three points was standing right next to him.
Another bad sign was Col. Schafer panicking under fire and emptying her plasma rifle into the air. This shook the whole team including their commander I must admit.
She seems to have settled down and regather the team.
Mission Temple Ship Assault will continue. After I have a nap.
HoC X-Com Enemy Unknown - what has gone before:
- The first day
- The third (?) day
- The Fifth day
- On the Seventh day
- Eighth Day
- Nine Days In
- The Tenth Day
- It goes to Eleven
- On the Twelve day
- Unlucky thirteen
- You say two weeks, I say Fourteen days
- One Hundred and Three Days Later
- 105 days seems like a long time
HoC X-Com Roster:
- Colonel Claudia 'Hardcore' Schafer. Assault. Missions: 27. Kills: 51.
- Colonel Storm 'Nix' Blade. Sniper. Missions: 24. Kills: 41.
- Colonel Q. 'Cargo' Bert. Support. Missions: 23. Kills: 37. Wounded.
- Colonel I. 'Mr. Clean' Ce. Support. Missions: 20. Kills: 32.
- Colonel Gray 'Casino' Bush. Heavy. Missions: 21. Kills: 44.
- Colonel Dark 'Double Down' Nightowl. Assault. Missions: 20. Kills: 18.
- Colonel Gren 'Specter' Del. Sniper. Missions: 10. Kills: 41.
- Colonel Hard 'Collateral' Wood. Heavy. Missions: 14. Kills: 27
- Colonel Sean 'Vandal' MCR. Assault. Missions: 13. Kills: 22.
- Major Personal G. 'Vixen' Reviewer. Support. Missions: 15. Kills: 19.
- Major Fung 'Atlas' Ster. Support. Missions: 11. Kills: 19.
- Major Kar "Angel"Loff. Support. Missions: 13. Kills: 14.
- Captain Fire 'Blitz' Chicken. Assault. Missions: 7. Kills: 10.
- Lieutenant Stav "DJ" R0. Assault. Missions: 4. Kills: 6. Wounded.
- Lieutenant War "Diesel"Tactix. Heavy. Missions: 5. Kills: 9.
- Lieutenant Morice 'Ghost' Revek. Sniper. Missions: 6. Kills: 13. KIA
- Sergeant Arc "Scotch"Ha1c. Support. Missions: 3. Kills: 3.
- Sergeant J. "Shadow" DM. Sniper. Missions: 4. Kills: 6.
- Corporal Anime Shimmer. Sniper. Missions: 4. Kills: 4. KIA
- Corporal S Wag. Assault. Missions: 4. Kills: 6. KIA
- Corporal Pwn Call. Heavy. Missions: 5. Kills: 3. KIA
- Corporal N. Oir. Support. Missions: 4. Kills: 4. KIA
- Squaddie A. Troll. Assault. Missions: 2. Kills: 2. KIA
- Rookie A. Fadumamai. Undetermined. Missions: 1. Kills: 0 KIA
- Rookie Snuffy D. Undetermined. Missions: 1. Kills: 0 KIA
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