You are hereExtinction Nightfall: still waiting for Coxxorz

Extinction Nightfall: still waiting for Coxxorz

By Blackwalt - Posted on 17 June 2014

In an extremely annoying manner

As previously documented Coxxorz has yet to obtain the achievement for completing Extinction: Nightfall.

Last night after failing to prove that SeanMCR, Graybush and I can still play zombie mode we noticed Coxxorz come online. We immediately. and unanimously, decided to temporarily leave zombie mode and load up Nightfall.

We did and we were two hives in before Coxxorz managed to join us. Other than one stutter when three of us were down at the same time we played well and made it to the end without incident. This is where Extinction: Nightfall decided to have its way with us...

Just as we had managed to get the Breeder down to half health Coxxorz went down and needed to be revived. At this point in the game not unusual. Graybush as the medic spent more time reviving us than he did shooting the Breeder. Unusual however was the manner in which Coxxorz went down. Really down. "Hey, I just fell through the floor!" Yes, Coxxorz body fell through the map and disappeared out of play. When his character timed out his dog tags were not accessible. Even Graybush's special medic ability could not reach through the floor.

Eventually we realized his only option was to quit out and rejoin the game before we defeated the Breeder. Which he did.

Of course, Extinction starts new players at the beginning of the map without enough money to buy a weapon. Only three sections to run through to meet up with us. All while under attack by Cryptids and fending them off with a pistol.

To be fair to Coxxorz he did make it. We distinctly remember seeing him arrive in the final section just as we all locked up and crashed back to a black screen.

All of us. Crashed out of the game. No killing the breeder. No finishing the mission. Thanks for playing. Bye, bye.

Annoyed would be the politest way of phrasing it. Particularly Coxxorz.

No achievement for you!

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