You are hereStrips 111 to 120

Strips 111 to 120

By Blackwalt - Posted on 07 September 2014

Strip #111: How is it different?

    My proof reader / test audience asked if "This is all based on Stormblade's "pass" comment?" Judging from the level of sarcasm and the suggested title of "And how is this any different?" I assume he could also have been referring to some kind of systemic issue.

    No idea to what he may have been referring.

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Strip #112: Not a member of the One percent

    It was Call of Duty (Modern Warfare) that brought us together and it is Call of Duty (Advanced Warfare) that is tearing us apart.

    Temporarily. This past Sega Nite seemed more divisive than normal with the console generation gap splitting up what is already a sparse turn out.

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Strip #113: No apocalypse on our watch

    This is funny because it is true!

    The two week quarantine part that is, not the detailed yet strangely ornate plan to burn Coxxorz's house to the ground around him. That part is not true.

    Totally. Not. True.

    PS- We're still on for tonight, right? You guys have the address? Graybush is bringing snacks. Stormblade is bringing Chinese fireworks. Made in Taiwan for some reason. I have SeanMCR's extremely detailed instructions printed out. So we're good, right? See you there.

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Strip #114: Return to sender

    It's our 2014 Merry Chris Mouse comic!

    So yeah, there it is. Enjoy and Merry Chris Mouse.

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Strip #115: The big gray lie

    Based on so many occurrences but created out of Coxxorz's comment, "the big Gray lie" last Tuesday night after a phantom Graybush appearance spotted independently by Blackwalt, SeanMCR and Coxxorz.

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Strip #116: Fifth wheel

    It's not that we don't want Q-Bert for our Super Secret Zombie LAN Club, it's that we don't need Q-Bert for our Super Secret Zombie LAN Club. Really. Want vs. need. That's all it is.

    Based on all our abuse following Q-Bert's dismay at being left off the guest list for the Super Secret Zombie LAN. A lot of people were left of that list but Q-Bert is the only one we chose to pick on.

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Strip #117: Nacht der Q-Bert

    So we have pretty much killed this topic after dragging it out well past its lifespan but, hey, that is what we do. Welcome to Herd of Cats. I thought I was done with mocking Q-Bert (over this) but then Rebellion released this awesome concept art and the comic popped right into my mind. Where, face it, there isn't a lot of space so I had to get it out.

    It was improved drastically through my usual revision process which you may know as Coxxorz.

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Strip #118: The "archives"

    So I have always had a vision of Coxxoz's basement that doesn't quite match reality. He always seems to have two (or three) of everything I ever need to borrow or buy. Something he found somewhere on a deal. Except for Hot Wheels where the numbers are in the thousands.

    I have always pictured the warehouse at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark every time he mentions his storage area, his archives, or his basement. Sadly we have all been treated to the reality but my vision has never left me.

    He recently sent me this quote in an email, "You're not gonna believe this... but in my archives I just discovered a..." which immediately spawned this comic.

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Strip #119: Development goes slowly

    So... this topic started here and deteriorated rapidly from that point on.

    Almost forgot: the laboratory background was taken from inSOLense at Deviantart.

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Strip #120: No buttons left to push

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