You are hereThe Weapons of Zombie Army Trilogy: Rifles

The Weapons of Zombie Army Trilogy: Rifles

By Blackwalt - Posted on 27 January 2015

The Rifles of Zombie Army Trilogy:

All the rifles of Zombie Army Trilogy seem to be sniper rifles (or sniper varients). Only to be expected from a game derived from the Sniper Elite series.

    Gewehr 43

    This German rifle has the highest rate of fire available. Its semi-automatic action is complimented by having the highest zoom level, though a low muzzle velocity means wind and gravity effects are amplified.

    Karabiner 98k

    The German Kar 98 has the highest zoom of any of the available rifles. A lower muzzle velocity requires some compensation from the user at long distances, and the bolt action mechanism slows the rate of fire.

    Lee Enfield Mk.III

    The main rifle of the British armed forces. Holds 10 rounds but a lower muzzle velocity means additional compensation should be made for wind and gravity.

    M1 Carbine

    Widely used throughout the US military, the M1 Carbine has an improved rate of fire and holds 15 rounds. High recoil and a lower level of zoom are its weaknesses.

    M1D Garand

    A variant of the standard US Garand rifle, the M1D features an 8 round semi-automatic clip feed system. Has a reduced muzzle velocity relative to its stablemate, the Springfield.

    Mosin Nagant

    A potent, Russian rifle. Balanced with a decent zoom and high bullet velocity. The bolt action reload slows the firing rate.

    Springfield M1903

    Standard issue American rifle. High muzzle velocity means less compensation is required for gravity and wind. However, the bolt action slows the firing rate and the scope offers only basic magnification.


    A popular semi-automatic rifle on the Eastern front, the Russian SVT40 boasts a 10 round clip and a high rate of fire. However, limited zoom and high recoil can limit its effectiveness at longer ranges.

    Type 99

    The bolt action Japanese Type 99 sports only 5 rounds per clip, but features a high muzzle velocity and a high level of zoom.

Via the Zombie Army Trilogy manual which appeared online (I am posting in dribs and drabs to milk it for content).

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