You are hereThe Weapons of Zombie Army Trilogy: Explosives
The Weapons of Zombie Army Trilogy: Explosives
The Explosives of Zombie Army Trilogy:
Land Mine
A useful anti infantry device. However, it has a small area of activation so positioning is important.
A dynamite charge which creates a devastating explosion and is remotely detonated by sniping. It can be used for taking out large numbers of zombies simultaneously. You can throw dynamite as you would a grenade, then detonate it with a rifle shot.
Trip Mine
Positioned between two points, it’s a perfect trap to stop enemies from flanking your position.
The distinctive shape allows the user to throw the Stielhandgranate great distances, but it’s landing is somewhat unpredictable.
No, Graybush, just no.
Armour fist. (really, that is all they have written down)
Via the Zombie Army Trilogy manual which appeared online (I am posting in dribs and drabs to milk it for content).
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