You are hereHoC Xbox One Game Recommendation #8: Watch Dogs

HoC Xbox One Game Recommendation #8: Watch Dogs

By Blackwalt - Posted on 18 January 2015

Watch Dogs got a lot of flack for not living up to its own hype. Most of the reviews commented on all that was promised compared to what was received. Very similar to how Destiny was received.

Totally ignoring the fact that the published Watch Dogs is a massively entertaining open world game. Having no preconceptions about this game I was amazed at the size of it, the sheer amount of activities, the number of collectibles, and the massive amount of time I played before I even started the campaign. Having played it for over three weeks I am just now starting chapter 3 (of 5).

I picked it up during Black Friday sales for an overwhelming $19.99. One month before I had an Xbox One. Well worth double that price, which coincidentally is the price it is now selling at.

No co-op and I turned off the online invasion feature as soon as I figured out how. Other players would come into your game and hack your system. Essentially stealing one of your auto-saves. You had a limited time to find them and take them out before they succeeded. I found this annoying and it took away from my game so I disabled that option.

If you like open world games be sure to add this to your list. Right next to Sleeping Dogs (unrelated).

Watch Dogs easily qualifies as an HoC Recommended Xbox One game.

Gamerankings Score for Watch Dogs - 77.67%.

Previous Xbox One Game Recommendations:

  1. Far Cry 4 - Gamerankings score: 87.11%
  2. Sleeping Dogs - Gamerankings score: 76.76%
  3. Tomb Raider - Gamerankings score: 86.62%
  4. Titan Fall - Gamerankings score: 86.71%.
  5. Dead Rising 3: Apocalypse Edition - Gamerankings score: 78.45%.
  6. Plants Vs. Zombies Garden Warfare - Gamerankings score: 77.18%.
  7. Sniper Elite 3 - Gamerankings score: 67.43%.

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