You are hereStrips 121 to 130

Strips 121 to 130

By Blackwalt - Posted on 30 May 2015

Strip #121: Schism

    Related to our Schism in the Way Zombie Mode experience. I wrote a couple of different versions but our proof reader reported back that this one, the original, was the only one remotely funny. Note that he didn't say it was funny which puts it on par with previous HoC Live comics.

    The exact quote was "Previous version funnier, or at least stands better on its own." Which demonstrates that more thought goes into these things than you would think. Not a lot more but more.

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Strip #122: New HoC exo-zombie perk

    Coxxorz made this quote last Sega Nite during a period of time where he had difficulty finding the rest of us and was busy running all over the Carrier trying to find us. Not being familiar with the map at all only made it worse. Perhaps the randomness with which the rest of us were running all over the place may have contributed. For the record, Graybush was the one at the plinko machine.

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Strip #123: HoC attempts a rick roll

    This comic came out of this as well as these comments. Not to mention Moricerevek's tendency to take liberties with the English language.

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Strip #124: Now more than ever

    Based loosely on Coxxorz's attempts to run a cooperative, multiplayer LAN party where everyone can play in the same game.

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Strip #125: “No your not!”

    Like every other comic this may only make sense to a few of you. It came out of a recent email exchange as well as an In Real Life conversation.

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Strip #126: Graybush's day

    So I stole this idea but it totally works because Graybush.

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Strip #127: HoC sends a letter

    Merry Chris Mouse

    Since he was just going to send us coal anyway... (2014's coal and 2013's coal)

    I will make an effort to turn it into a Christmas card shortly. Not much of an effort but some.

    I may have borrowed this message from elsewhere but it was definitely Herd of Cats appropriate.

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Strip #128: Rationalization

    This post was originally written as marked below and was not going to be posted:

      Obviously this comic is an over reaction to Stormblade's over reaction and while his comment isn't all negative I was surprised by the immediate belittlement of my achievement.

      Admittedly I hardly saw a single zombie and Black Ops 3 spotted me three rounds before I even started but still…

    This is the end of the original text.

    Everything past this point is new text:

      So I had pulled this comic. On my own. And then my tester came back with "well, it's funny but…"

      So it was pulled. Shoved in the archives never to see the light of day.

      And then…: This comment, But I got more kills and more headshots so pffft!, appeared.

      So I reached back into the archives and pulled it back out kicking and screaming. The comic that is. I was on board already.

      Text removed for brevity. Continued on the original post

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Strip #129: What EA fans are asking for

    Based on the stripped down Star Wars Battlefront that EA sold everyone as a complete game. Don't worry though, for an outrageous priced, most expensive season pass ever you can get the complete game. Merely $69.99.

    Is it no wonder the game is on sale everywhere you turn? Presently 33% off on the Xbox Store. All versions.

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Strip #130: Interchangeable

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