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New HoC high for Exo-Zombies Carrier - Round 22

By Blackwalt - Posted on 11 June 2015

Seriously guys, stop holding me back

Did I happen to mention that this was solo play? I honestly didn't expect much playing Exo-Zombies alone. I think this was my third or fourth time (in Carrier). My previous high was Round 6. Mainly as I forgot to buy the Revive perk.

I may have done a smidge better if I had noticed earlier (during Round 22) that I was infected. I was a foot from the decontamination pad when I went down and used my last Exo-Medic.

For reference the S-12 Shotgun is my new favourite weapon. I had it upgraded ten levels by the time I finished.

I learned one thing about Exo-Zombies that I had not been aware of. There is no limit to the number of perks you can buy.

Please notice in the above screen shot that I have installed: Exo-Medic, Exo-Slam, Eco-Stockpile, Exo-Reload, Exo-Soldier, and Exo-Health. Also notice that my S-12 shotgun is Mk 10. You can ignore the Round 21 marker in the top corner if you want.

Dealing with the Atlas Bomb squads was the most difficult. I think I saw a Goliath during the last one. I didn't kill him, I defused the bomb and ran away. If I hadn't died by the Decontamination pad I probably still would have had to face him.

Oh yeah, five defusals in the same match earns an achievement:

So, not wanting to point out anything in particular but if you look at the below leaderboard:

Wow, that is a whole bunch of nineteens, isn't it? (whoops, I guess I did point out something in particular)

And how the heck am I leading in headshots? That is just wrong on so many levels.

You need to fix that. I know you don't want to hear this but I think more Exo-Zombies may be required.

I can feel SeanMCR starting his Xbox and checking the Leaderboards to make sure I haven't Photoshopped all this.

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