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New HoC high for Exo-Zombies Carrier (again) - Round 27

By Blackwalt - Posted on 15 June 2015

I couldn't help it, I thought SeanMCR was pressuring me!

Having read SeanMCR's comment earlier today I assumed that my Round 22 would not stand for long. With no one else online toniight I figured I might as well try some Exo-Zombie Carrier. See if I could give SeanMCR something to think about.

And I did. Right up to Round 4 where the plinko machine and a well cooked grenade did me in. Fun Fact: the Exo-Medic does not auto-revive you if you kill yourself. It does, however, laugh and I believe it nominated me for a Darwin award.

I persevered...

I used the S-12 again. It didn't get it until Round 10 approximately and it took a lot of 3D printing. I then put everything I earned into upgrading it. In the above photo it is MK-14, I think I had it up to Mk-16 by the time I was finished. At Mk-10 you get 50% larger clip and 50% more ammo. You need it.

I also had a Cauterizer that I upgraded up to Mk-4 before I got my S-12. By Round 25 it wasn't doing much damage anymore.

My new favourite power-up is infinite ammo. Combine that with the auto S-12 shotgun into a stream of lead that lets you walk through the horde without fear. And its fun.

SeanMCR, I know you weren't daring me, challenging me or threatening me but thanks for leading me into Round 27.

Now we have to get there as a team (or at least past Round 20).

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