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New HoC Team high for Exo-Zombies Carrier - Round 28

By Blackwalt - Posted on 22 June 2015

Some of you will recognize the above quote as Nikolai Belinski from Der Riese and not my usual sarcasm. I prefer to think of it as a little bit of both.

Graybush and I played several two player Rounds but none of them went well. It wasn't until SeanMCR joined us that we really got going.

SeanMCR seemed to motive us to do better. I think it is all the bitching and whining. From me. SeanMCR mostly contributed lag.

The S-12 shotgun, my key to doing well, had disappeared the past few nights. Yesterday it made a return and I leveled it all the way up to Mk-20.

Which is how we discovered that Mk 20 is the limit and after that there is no easy way to get more ammo for it. Your only real choice after Mk 20 ammo runs out is to trade it for another Mk 1 gun and start over. This did not go well.

Coxxorz, who joined our Live Party late summed it up best, "so you level it up all the way to Mk 20 to make it useless?"

Yes. Pretty much how it turned out.

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