You are hereNote to Graybush, "no zombies for you!"

Note to Graybush, "no zombies for you!"

By Blackwalt - Posted on 26 August 2015

Last night it was Graybush who was sad. Which also made me sad.

For about two seconds.

Last night I was the one who sent out the email. Addressed to Graybush, SeanMCR, and Coxxorz.

    Email from Blackwalt:

      Re: Der Reise

        We should play more Der Riese because I feel like killing more aliens...

Yes I wanted to kill zombies but I had also enjoyed killing aliens so I was okay with whatever we ended up doing.

SeanMCR came online and invited me to play Call of Duty Black Ops so I did. We had reached level eight of Der Riese when we got the message tha Graybush was online and launching Black Ops. Which is when the trouble started.

    SeanMCR: "You know what would be funny?"

    Blackwalt: "Oh god..."

    SeanMCR: "We should switch back to our Xbox Ones just like we did to you last night."

    Blackwalt: "Oh god..."

    SeanMCR: "..."

    I have no idea what SeanMCR said next as he was talking to dead air. I had already turned off my Xbox 360 and was turning on my Xbox One)

It is possible that SeanMCR hadn't actually said anything as somehow, despite Ft. McMurray internet speeds, he had beaten me onto Xbox Live and into Call of Duty Ghosts on his Xbox One.

Once we were in the same Ghosts Extinction lobby we checked and discovered that Graybush had finished loading Call of Duty Black Ops (Xbox 360) and was in a party.

SeanMCR was right. It was funny.

Also funny was how long it took Graybush to swap Xboxes and load Ghosts. He said something about squirrels but to be honest I had tuned him out by then.

Three people in Ghosts Extinction (finally) so we loaded up Exodus and we were off killing aliens!

Remember in yesterday's story I had complained about "we had apparently forgotten how to play [Ghosts Extinction]." It was just like that again except yesterday we at least finished Awakening.

We did not finish Exodus. And we did not finish Exodus in a really short and horrible way. And we did not finish Exodus four separate times. None of the four attempts were any better than the others. We had forgotten how to play.

I didn't persevere this time. This time I crawled away whimpering and went to bed.

Still, thanks to switching Xboxes on Graybush, I was no longer sad.

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