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Xbox Online Store still broken

By Blackwalt - Posted on 06 November 2015

I know its not a big deal, but they aren't a small company and this isn't rocket science

In the above photo please note the cost of the Black Ops 3 season pass is marked as $49.99. The amount in my online wallet is marked as $51.44. Fair enough.

Click on purchase and...

"How do you want to pay the rest?"

What rest? No where have you given me any rest. I really don't think you have the right to charge me an unknown amount. I don't think any vendor does. If you want me to pay the rest tell me how much it is.

Look, I see the "plus tax" in the image. I know there was going to be taxes and you know there was going to be taxes but...

    Is it too much to ask for an accurate sub-total before I click on confirm?

    Is it too much to ask for a sub-total before I give you access to my credit card?

    Is it too much to ask that you provide an option to use an Xbox Points/Dollar card and not jump directly to my credit card? Why is a credit card the only option?

These are fairly significant glitches for a online store front. Particularly one that has been running for years – over a year on the Xbox One.

I have another Xbox Cash card. Two in fact and am ready to punch them in.

But if the Xbox Store is hiding stuff from me I can not help but think something underhanded is going on. I know that nothing underhanded is going on (pretty sure) but online vendors more than anyone need to be transparent in what they are charging for products and services.

I can't help but think that Microsoft and Xbox are going through a lot of trouble to not provide me with accurate prices.

This is not building a lot of trust between the Xbox Store and its customers.

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