You are hereZombies. The Giant. Round 35

Zombies. The Giant. Round 35

By Blackwalt - Posted on 01 December 2015

New HoC high for "the Giant" zombies map

I was impressed by the previous Round 31. Last night SeanMCR and Graybush took me for a tour of "the Giant" to show me how it was done.

I know that Round 35 was impressive (for us) as my Xbox Live Activity Feed was inundated with screenshots just like the one above. Check after the break to see the screenshots as well as evidence that my Shotgun helped us get there.

From SeanMCR:

From Graybush:

    A) both of their screenshots are better than mine
    B) not sure how Graybush managed to get a crooked screenshot

Blackwalt's Argus:

I got the Argus almost immediately from the tickle trunk and rocked two shotguns for the first ten rounds.

Level 4, Level 5, Level 6Level 4, Level 5, Level 6

Apparently I used it quite a lot. I even cried a little when I lost it after going down once.

Fortunately the tickle trunk gave it back. I even upgraded it to the Ancient Messenger with Fireworks.

250! 500! In the same map!250! 500! In the same map!

Just ignore the Dingo in the picture. During this one attempt I leveled the Argus up three times and passed both 250 kills and 500 kills. I would say the Argus was instrumental in getting us to Round 35.

My Shotgun!

PS: I am completely exhausted writing this as we didn't start this attempt until eleven. However, once we passed Round 27 no one was planning on going anywhere. We played past one. I seem to remember a lot of yawning and bitching once we hit Round 30.

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