You are hereMarvel Ultimate Alliance 1&2 re-releases land with a thud
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1&2 re-releases land with a thud
Less remaster. More money grab.
Money grab.
Faced with the opportunity to make Marvel Ultimate Alliance and Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 backwards compatible Activision decided to re-release them on current gen hardware. Which would be fine except...
While everyone was waiting with anticipation for the MUA and MUA2 remasters, Activision ported the games over. Ported.
MUA and MUA2 were ported directly over to next generation. And then released. At full price.
$49.99 CDN for one. $79.99 CDN for both in a bundle.
Don't get me wrong. I loved Marvel Ultimate Alliance when we played it and we played it a lot. An entire group of us. It was one of our best deals ever at the $9.99 price we got it at. Even now I wouldn't object to paying $9.99 for a current gen port. But $49.99? For a bad port? I don't think so.
Skip this for now.
Some main issues:
- No DLC for MUA but, strangely, all the DLC for MUA2
- initially no achievements on Xbox One (fixed)
- really highly priced for a ten year old game
- advertise "play as the Hulk" (MUA) but guess which character didn't get ported?
More details at Gameinformer.
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