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A funny thing happened on the way to the Horizon Festival

By Blackwalt - Posted on 16 September 2016

So Stormblade and Blackwalt played the Forza Horizons 3 demo (together)

One thing important to note about Forza titles is the AI drivers are populated from your Xbox Friends List. If your friends have played a recent Forza title your AI Driver is a Drivatar. An AI built on top of your driving history. In theory an AI that will drive similar to how you have driven in Forza. All good.

My drivatar has been updated from Forza 5 and Forza Horizons 2 as well as the Forza Horizons 3 demo. Stormblade's has been updated from the Forza Horizons 3 demo. Which is not relevant here.

Last Sega Nite (Wednesday) Stormblade and I managed to play the Forza Horizons 3 demo. Just not quite together. You need to play the Forza Horizons 3 demo for a while first before the multiplayer unlocks. 30-45 minutes of gameplay with several unskippable cut scenes and races.

And, to be totally helpful, the Forza Horizons 3 demo does not save your progress. So each time you want to play multiplayer you need to play single player for a while to unlock it. Pretty much the same stuff each (and every) time.

This was annoying to Stormblade who lost all his progress from the night before and had to start from the beginning.

This was really annoying for Blackwalt (me) as I had kept my progress by not quitting out of the game overnight but couldn't join any online sessions. I had to completely reboot everything. Which, yes, meant I had to replay the game again and progress enough to unlock multiplayer.

During this period, however, we were still in an Xbox Live Chat, chatting to each other, while technically playing the same game. We did have a conversation involving drivatars.

    Stormblade: "Blackwalt just went screaming past me"

    Blackwalt: "Get used to that."

    Stormblade: "He crashed right into a tree."

    Blackwalt: "Get used to that too."

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