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HoC Random Deadpool Crossover of the Day - 011217

By Blackwalt - Posted on 12 January 2017

Will we see Deadpool costarring with an Oscar soon?

I don't think Negasonic Teenage Warhead believes it is a possibilityI don't think Negasonic Teenage Warhead believes it is a possibility

Adding to Ryan Reynold's Year of Deadpool, the Deadpool movie has a legitimate chance at receiving an Oscar nomination.

For Best Picture.

Um, Deadpool Could Actually Get a Best Picture Oscar Nomination

While this sounds wrong the talk did not begin with Deadpool's Golden Globe nomination for Best Musical or Comedy Film (it didn't win, boo!). It started after Deadpool won a Critics’ Choice Award and was nominated for a Writers Guild Award.

Still, no one thought a Oscar Best Picture nomination was more than a pipe dream. Until...

January 10th when Deadpool became one of ten films nominated for a Producers Guild Award by the prestigious and influential Producers Guild of America

All of these nominations and awards are strong indicators of a potential Oscar nomination.

For Best Picture.

More details about this wacky and awesome possibility at io9 (Same link as above).

Go Deadpool!

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