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Sega Nite: just like old times

By Blackwalt - Posted on 29 June 2017

With Zombies and everything! Even with Coxxorz on the outside looking in.

Whoot! Round 1! Please note the absence of SeanMCR. More importantly, please note the three way tie for headshots.Whoot! Round 1! Please note the absence of SeanMCR. More importantly, please note the three way tie for headshots.

Last night Stormblade, Graybush, Blackwalt, and, yes, even SeanMCR went back in time to old school zombies thanks to the new Zombie Chronicles DLC remaking all our zombie favourite maps.

Last night we hit Kino Der Toten, Shi No Numa, Origins, and Nacht der Untoten. All achieving our four player highs in these revisions. Yes, despite being out for over two weeks this was the first time four HoC Clan Members had managed to play at the same time.

Kino Der Toten

No picture cause I forgot. According to what I can figure out from my Xbox I think we hit Round 15. That seems plausible as it is listed as my high and last night was the best I remember doing in the new revisions. We saw Hell Hounds twice, activated the traps multiple times and even visited the projection room. Twice!

As much as I would like to give the credit for our performance to SeanMCR it was obviously due to me. Hey! I was the host. Totally due to me.

Shi No Numa

Stormblade couldn't get decent guns out of the Tickle Trunk and boy did we hear about it.Stormblade couldn't get decent guns out of the Tickle Trunk and boy did we hear about it.

I think Round 14 was pretty good for us in Shi No Numa. We hardly play it and couldn't remember everything. We did open up all four areas and used some traps. LMGs were plentiful to everyone not named Stormblade. You know it's bad when I end up with more headshots than Stormblade. Heck, you know it's bad when I end up with more headshots than anyone...

Oh yeah, SeanMCR was a zombie hog. And he opened the main stairway that you are NEVER supposed to open.


Everybody was going down all over the place. Yes Aku, that was for you. Enjoy.Everybody was going down all over the place. Yes Aku, that was for you. Enjoy.

SeanMCR did not remember about turning the power on at each stop. Once he was reintroduced to the process he immediately went about activating the power at the worst possible time during a level. Without any warning. Multiple times.

To be honest, we were amazed that we even reached Round eight.

Nacht der Untoten

Round 22! Everybody was fairly happy with that result.Round 22! Everybody was fairly happy with that result.

Going back to the start we were amazed at how we fell back into our old routines. SeanMCR was a zombie hog, we never knew where Graybush was, Stormblade didn't get any good weapons, and Blackwalt... well Blackwalt was immaculate obviously. The consummate player. Thanks very much.

Remember how I talked about Stormblade not getting any good guns in Shi No Numa? This was worse. He called the Tickle Trunk some very bad things. Some of them in Russian. Which carried over from Kino Der Toten.

Old School Zombie Sega Nite!

The way it should be. Although I did kind of miss Coxxorz. I had expected him to at least join the Xbox Live Party long enough to drop some sarcastic comments on us.

When we lost SeanMCR going into our first attempt at Nacht der Untoten I even suggested that we invite Coxxorz in to replace him. It was unanimously voted down.

Which was tricky as I had to vote twice to make it unanimous. Fortunately our methodology isn't very reliable. Or secure.

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