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Don't read this post

By Ratzorz - Posted on 31 May 2008

And don't click these links. They are NOT safe for work. Probably not safe for home either. In fact, it's not even safe to post this. But I fear our time may be short...

I was searching for some camo underwear (yes, even rats wear underwear sometimes), when I found this provocative pic, apaprently from a site called "ineedtopee". I was intrigued - and as it turns out, did need to pee - so I clicked. You couldn't tell from the camo undies, but this is a site showcasing people wetting themselves! Thankfully all women, but still! Disgusted and concerned, I had to learn more. It turns out there is an entire community dedicated to sharing photography and video of people urinating in various states of undress... or fully clothed!

But for some reason, they all seem to be preoccupied with doing so outdoors. Now I don't know what the big deal is, being a rodent. It's the most natural thing in the world... even lowly cats do it! But you humans are so uptight about this simple bodily function, that you would even pay to see others do it. Inconceivable! That's right... every single site, from PeeAsian to Needapee wants you to become a member in order to access their complete vault of pants-pissers. Now, I would have signed up to provide a complete report for you sick bastards, but they don't as yet issue credit cards to rats (remind me to write to my congressman).

Perhaps when next we meet...


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