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Burnout Paradise Re-Stormbladed

By Blackwalt - Posted on 17 March 2018

Paradise? I don't think so...

It was more the opposite.

So I forgot how social Burnout Paradise was early in the days of Xbox Love online experimentation. It constantly updated you with how your friends were doing in the game. Whether or not you were in a game with them.

I had been looking forward to my afternoon of Burnout Paradise Remastered.

And then... Stormblade

For proper perspective the following three pictures (as well as the one above) were taken in a period of less than five minutes. These shots were taken only after I had decided to record the plethora of messages. These four pictures are only a small portion of the sheer number of Stormblade messages that I was inundated with during my Burnout Paradise Remastered afternoon. A very small portion...

At some points it was so bad I could barely see the game past all the Stormblade messages. I even stooped to sending him an Xbox Live message asking him to stop playing. It didn't work.

Stormblade. Stormblade. Stormblade. Paradise this was not.

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