You are hereNa, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, Batchair!
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, Batchair!
This seemed like a simple fix for a simple problem
And, technically, it was.
With Covid-19 taking its toll on everyone, Guba ended up working from home. This was fine. No problem. Absolutely okay. Until...
We discovered that we only had two good office chairs. Two good Obusforme chairs that had previously belonged to Guba when she freelanced from home years ago. In the years since, however, squatters had taken possession of the chairs. Rolly C one and myself the other. We had even covered them in camo seat covers (sewn by myself). Guba could not pry them out of our hands and out from under our butts. She was stuck using an old, wooden, sewing desk chair that we managed to force a little taller with a piece of pipe. Don't ask.
Immediately on discovering this chair shortage I started researching a solution. One that totally benefited me of course. I just had to make sure to fix things before some else did. "Don't worry Guba, I am on it!"
Here we have a happy child celebrating his early Christmas
I remembered somewhere there existed a Batman gaming chair and that I had been very jealous of when they came out and I couldn't have one.
I had consoled myself at the time (after they sold out) that they probably hadn't reviewed well.
I decided before going down the rabbit hole of gaming and/or office chairs to at least look up the Batman gaming chair.
Turns out that Secret Labs had the rights to the Dark Knight for gaming chairs.
It came in a large box. Cat for scale.
Worse, when I looked up the reviews, they were good. Phenomenal almost. I was slowly losing the ability to talk myself out of the chair.
And then, the Canadian Government offered up the CERB - the Chair Emergency Response Benefit. (Note- I legitimately qualified for the Chair Emergency Response Benefit even before they loosened up the requirements).
It was like it was meant to be. Except that the Dark Knight chair I remembered was from several years ago. And sold out.
Doing further important research I discovered that Secret Labs was producing a 2020 run of the same Dark Knight themed chair in an upgraded model that was reviewing even stronger. Due out May 27th.
May 27th, or earlier, just to hold out hope. This was a chair that you needed to pre-order.
Pre-order. A chair. That just seems wrong.
All these parts are supposed to go together somehow...
But still. I did it. I pre-ordered a chair.
You also need to size it. They have an algorithm based on height and weight. I scored the Titan model.
Remember the "or earlier" that Secret Labs was teasing us with? Turns out that "or earlier" meant May 11th. Today when Fedex dropped it off. They had warned me with a shipping notification on Friday and consequently I spent the entire weekend in anticipation. It was nerve wracking. So yes, Secret Labs delivered my pre-ordered chair over two weeks early in the middle of a pandemic. Kudos to them.
I am still testing the chair, I am sitting in it now, but so far my impressions are positive.
Before I make you think all was sweetness and light I did experience a small issue. As I was assembling the chair a part fell out of the wrapping. Unfortunately a button that could not be reattached or snapped back into place. It was supposed to be glued in place, not loose on my basement floor. I have contacted Secret Labs Customer Support and this gives us a chance to see how they do. By all reports I am expecting good things but I will update how things work out.
The blurry button on the left is supposed to be in the blurry opening on the right
And one more issue that was not sweetness or light...
I had barely turned around when...: Bad child! Get down from there!
I know most of you will feel that this seems like a lot of trouble to get Guba an office chair but sometimes sacrifices have to be made to keep a happy household. By that I mean me. I am very happy. The rest of of the household not so much. And they might be getting sick of hearing about my Batchair. And my constant humming of the Bat Theme doesn't seem to be helping.
And once I got possession of the chair back I would like to point out that I look great in it!
From the back....
Oh yeah, Don't forget...
PS- In case you are wondering this is where Pwn Call's "It's not the chair you deserve" featured quote originated. Posted in Random Quote of the Week on the right hand sidebar. It was one of the funniest texts he has every sent.
PPS- Secret Labs does offer other themes for their chairs but to be honest I didn't look at them.
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