You are herePirate ship armed and ready

Pirate ship armed and ready

By Blackwalt - Posted on 09 June 2009

With a water cannon.

And unfortunately for all involved, pretty much the entire backyard is within range. And some of the neighbours backyard as well. I may have to fix that.

Since we first put in Rolly's Pirate ship (see here and here) I have been planning on installing some kind of water firing device.

The piping and water source (yes, a hose) weren't a problem but I was stuck on a firing mechanism. A simple on/off valve that Rolly could work himself.

It was Guba who ripped out the throttle mechanism from a retired splash rocket and said "here, use this" who solved my dilemma. We have many spare splash rockets because we bought out a clearance shelf last year so this one may have been retired early.

A quick trip to Home Depot, some wood working for a pivot mount and lo and behold an prototype water cannon for Rolly's Pirate Ship. Unfortunately Rolly is a little fuzzy on the prototype concept so it has gone into full production service a little early.

It still needs the pivot mount painted and a couple of handles wouldn't be amiss. Also a step for easier access as it is mounted on the highest point on the bow (as requested by Rolly). A couple of stops to prevent it from full rotation would also help as he can soak the neighbours right now if he so chooses.

All I can say is the entire backyard is now in danger as are both parents. Sorry Half-pint, I am sure that was an accident.

Rolly has stated that he can't wait for Uncle Stormblade to visit. I am sure he just wants to see him. Pretty sure.

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