You are here2 Years - Stormblade's thoughts

2 Years - Stormblade's thoughts

By Stormblade - Posted on 09 September 2009

I had decided I was too lazy to do anything for this, but after being put to shame by DP (and also provided with a template to copy), I decided to post this:

favourite story

- There are so many, but this one pretty much sums us up and therefore gets my vote.
- There is also the one where my freaking camera was having a better time than I was. Thanks Blackwalt.

favourite story series

- From a long time ago, Ice’s series that began with the Escape from the mad scientist. This still makes me laugh.

best memory

- This would have to be the two LAN parties thrown in my honour. Let’s make sure this time and It came from Colorado. Thanks guys, I feel the love.

how you got drawn into HerdofCats

- Yeah, not much of a choice actually. I’ve been stuck with these idiots for years.

favourite gaming experience

- Playing COD4 with HardW00D. It just never gets old.

what you liked about the site

- It has allowed me to feel like I’m still part of the herd despite frequently being far away.

what you don't like about the site

- Change for change sake. WTF is wrong with the original logo???

changes you would like to see

- See previous answer.

a commitment in blood to create more content

- Yeah, if the zombies don’t get me first.

favourite submission (by yourself)

- I liked this one regarding my inability to make sound decisions while drinking, and my rogue Console Exchange comic, which was much better than Blackwalt’s.

biggest disappointment (relating to the site Revek!)

- The inability to get more of the so-called herd to participate in gaming nights.
- Revek’s spelling.

where you want the site to go

- I think it’s doing fine.

favourite gaming moment in the past two years

- HALO Burgers!!!

biggest gaming disappointment

- GTA4, GTA4, and GTA4. A game that bad can’t be mentioned here only once.

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