You are hereSega Week - Day 4
Sega Week - Day 4
In what's starting to feel like a scene from Groundhog Day, I played a bit late again last night. Still not feeling any ill effects from the constant gaming, but apparently Blackwalt and I are having the same conversations over and over. At least that's what he says. I don't remember! On the food front, I've replaced the restrictive "3 Meals a Day" tradition with a more convenient "Eat Crap When You're Hungry" system. Hopefully the time saved outweighs any potential negatives.
The cats are starting to notice the lack of attention lavished upon them, and are following me around the house. Which is not a good thing when I'm running to the bathroom in the dark between levels. Almost killed us all twice now. Spot is still swearing at me. I've discovered that leaving the toilet lid up saves precious seconds during these fleeting breaks. I've also discovered that cats know how to drink from the toilet! An alarming situation for both of us when I turned on the lights, let me tell you.
Graybush and Swag continue to do a tremendous job, turning out each night to help me achieve this foolhardy goal of a Week of Gaming. It would be easier if they had a better selection of games (i.e.: games that I like), but I can't complain – they're both recent converts to the Microsoft camp. So tonight I'm taking a break from the FPS genre, and picking something that I know everyone has.... Burnout Paradise! It's Friday, so there's no excuse for not staying up late to play. Except being dead. And even Stormblade has managed that.