You are hereAttention eBay shoppers!
Attention eBay shoppers!
I've been a member of Great Canadian Rebates for a little while now, but just recently discovered that you can save on eBay auctions as well. In addition to special coupons and offers (e.g. free shipping) at lots of online retailers, you can also earn rebates on your purchase. The eBay offer is for 30% cash back on their revenue from the auction (i.e. listing fees, not the auction price), which can add up if you're foolish enough to buy big-ticket electronics on there.
They also offer rebates and promos for such online retailers as Apple, Dell, Canadian Tire and Chapters Indigo, and the Shopping Channel to name a few.
I know what you're thinking. You're saying "Coxxorz, is this a scam, or pyramid scheme? How much does it cost?" Well my friend, it's for real (just received my first PayPal cash back payment), and it's free. In fact, they pay YOU two bucks just for signing up.
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