You are hereThey got Avatar Awards in my Left 4 Dead 2

They got Avatar Awards in my Left 4 Dead 2

By Coxxorz - Posted on 14 December 2009

Speaking crap you can get for your Xbox Live avatar...

Apparently way back as early as October, some hacker got into the unpublished achievement list for the game, and came across some extra text at the end of the file that made reference to "Avatar Awards". Subsequently, Valve has confirmed their existence, and what is required to unlock them:

Med Kit
Unlock the Med Kit by beating all five campaigns on any skill level.
Frying Pan
Unlock the Frying Pan by killing 10,000 Infected.
Garden Gnome
Unlock the Garden Gnome by rescuing Gnome Chompski.
Bull Shifters Shirt
Unlock the Bull Shifters shirt by winning 10 games of Versus.
Left 4 Dead 2 Shirt
Unlock the Left 4 Dead 2 shirt by winning 10 games of Scavenge.
Zombie Hand Shirt
Unlock the Zombie Hand shirt by killing 10,000 Infected.
Depeche Mode Shirt
Unlock the Depeche Mode shirt by rescuing Gnome Chompski.

Which reminds me, I have yet to see the legendary Frying Pan in-game, so maybe we should call a L4D2 for HoC Nite this week. Fair warning.

Via lots of sites, but GamertagPics had the best picture.

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