You are hereNice parking Louise
Nice parking Louise
Finding a solution to Pandora's high parking fees...
And just in case you think that Lancer was falling I have more pictures after the break.
From the front
From underneath
For some reason when I was taking the picture from underneath Graybush was jumping up and down on it screaming "Fall damn you, fall!"
We also tried a couple of other creative parking ideas:
Half on, half off
On a wall
Getting on the wall wasn't as easy as it looks. We had to drop it in from above.
This one may have burst into flames and exploded shortly after taking the photo. And despite appearances the Lancer was stuck in that position.
Please note that you could enter and exit all four of the seats of these Lancers at anytime. You just couldn't drive them anywhere.
One of the missions from the new Armory of General Knoxx DLC involves finding five stashes with a detector that is only available in the Lancer vehicle. And you can't drive the Lancer directly into the final area. We tried an alternative solution that involved flying, jumping and/or crashing the Lancer in from above. Didn't really work.
Times four!Apparently the Developers thought of this possibility and kept us from getting a Lancer in there.
One other fun fact. This area also holds a squad of Red Lance troopers as well as four (4!!!!) Devastators. Graybush and I were in the area, driving badly, long enough for the Level 55 Devastators to re-spawn three additional times. Three times! It got to the point where we were facing off against them individually. By necessity, not by choice.
And we still haven't found the fifth stash because some whiner had to quit out and go to bed! Oh wait... that was me. Never mind.
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