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Friendly fire is on!

By Blackwalt - Posted on 06 April 2010

Just Cause 2 diaries #4

Now I know you are confused. Friendly fire? Isn't Just Cause 2 a single player game? Well yes. Yes it is.

Let's just say that Panau Army pilots need more training.

So I had parked my H-62 Quapaw next to a small civilian village while I snuck in and completed my tasks. After passing 100% completion I ran back to my helicopter for a fast getaway. Under fire from the Panau Army the entire way.

My helicopter was gone! Some other rebel/civilian/chaos creator had taken my helicopter! Or the game had redrawn it. Either way, my dear, departed Quapaw had been virtually erased.

As I stood there cursing the virtual thief who had stolen my ride I was rudely reminded that I was still under attack by the Panau Army. Reminded by a strafing attack of dual Gatling guns by a Panau Army helicopter.

Well look at that! My new ride. I grappled up to the Panau Army UH-10 Chippewa, swung up to the windscreen, shot off the gunner, swung around to the pilot door, QTE fought with the pilot and tossed him over. Helicopter ride achieved and this one was armed!

I still haven't got to the story I want to share.

So I took my UH-10 to a nearby civilian city and started blowing things up. You know. Status quo for Just Cause 2.

But the Panau Army doesn't like it when you steal their choppers and use them to blow stuff up. They come after you. In other helicopters. Multiple other helicopters.

So there I was innocently hovering above a city plastering military (mostly) targets with Gatling guns and rockets when two other well armed Army Helicopters arrived to greet me with a hail of bullets.

Outnumbered, my Chippewa burst into flames and exploded. You can survive a flaming helicopter but its best to jump out before it explodes. Which is what I did. In my rapid death spiral descent I noticed that I was within grappling range of the two helicopters that had shot me down.

So I grappled onto one and ended up suspended underneath it. The second helicopter didn't stop firing. It just treated me like its long lost childhood piñata. To get out of the path of the bullets I swung up onto the windscreen of the first helicopter to shoot the gunner.

Shot up and smokingShot up and smokingI needn't have bothered.

The second helicopter tracked me as I moved and ended up filling the cockpit of first helicopter full of bullets as I jumped on the windscreen. Killing off both the gunner and pilot for me.

Friendly fire was on!

Apparently they really wanted me dead and they aren't so particular as to who they take with me.

It did make taking over the helicopter easier but the Chippewa was pretty shot up by the time I had it under control. It barely had enough life left in it for me to defeat the second helicopter.

I then landed on a nearby skyscraper and took a photo of my new smoking wreck of a Chippewa for you. (right)

It turns out I had landed on a very tall skyscraper.

That's a long way down: Which button is for spit?That's a long way down: Which button is for spit?

I am standing at the tip of a radar dish on top of a gigantic skyscraper. (above) Which would explain why my Highest Base Jump statistic "jumped" from 151m to 472m.

Blackwalt Game Stats (so far):

Total Chaos 240750
Total Earnings $1006838
Locations Discovered 50
Locations Completed 23
Unique Vehicles Driven 47
Total Distance Driven 55k
Resource Items Acquired 250
Kills 981
Sabotages Completed 313
Highest Base Jump 472m

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