You are hereNow that's a big plane

Now that's a big plane

By Blackwalt - Posted on 11 April 2010

Just Cause 2 diaries #6

Still no Zombies yet and despite Moricerevek's claims, the Japanese soldiers from World War II were geriatrics – not Zombies, just very old.

I was quite happy when I found this plane on a runway up in the mountains.

I gather its some sort of cargo plane. It took a while to find the pilot's door but once I did it was child's play to yank the pilot out and steal the plane. Good thing the runway ended at a cliff or there was no way I was getting this pig off the ground.

Also I had remembered to destroy all the SAM missile silos before flying off as they know immediately that you are an enemy of the state and start firing missiles at you. It is possible to dodge them but I was guessing this plane wasn't that nimble...

Once I got it into the air I dove down toward the water to clip some waves.

You'll have to trust me that as I was wing walking here the waves were just feet below the plane. I know this to be fact as shortly after this picture was taken I sunk the plane.

Bonus Story:

In this picture you can see a smoking green car. It's also on fire.  It's being shot at by the Panau Army. I am in the green car.

I would have made it out alive if someone hadn't parked their boat in the middle of the road.

The things that come back to haunt you. The taxi didn't make it either.

Normally I don't drive boats out of the water but it's a trick that Coxxorz taught me from Saints Row 2.

Blackwalt Game Stats:

These stats are a couple of days old but accurate enough.

Total Chaos 339430
Total Earnings $1424788
Locations Discovered 60
Locations Completed 34
Unique Vehicles Driven 58
Total Distance Driven 61k
Resource Items Acquired 347
Kills 1355
Sabotages Completed 481
Highest Base Jump 472m

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