You are hereReturn to the Catwalk of Hope and Love
Return to the Catwalk of Hope and Love
It did not go well
So when did we forget how to play Call of Duty Zombie Mode?
So I admit that we haven't played for a while but still...
This is Stormblade alone on the catwalk holding off a Zombie Horde with his Wunderwaffe as it rapidly runs out of ammo. You only see Stormblade because Graybush fell off the catwalk. And I went after him to try to save him. It went pretty well not too badly up until the insta-kill ran out.
There are no revive flags visible as we had been dead so long we had died completely. In fact, the great point of view in the camera is due to me being in observer mode. Graybush died first by the way.
So Level 18. Not our finest hour.
This picture is from two nights later, last night in fact.
It's Level 13 which we made in our second attempt. We all lived to the near the end. Or more accurately, we all died at the same time...
Jammed in the end room with 10 zombies while 20 more were trying to get in. It had become the popular Zombie Night spot and they wanted in.
And they got in. Over our dead bodies.
Our first attempt had actually reached Level 14 which was technically better. Although it sure didn't feel that way.
Hopefully our next attempt will see us back in proper Zombie killing form. We can write all these off as warm ups.
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