You are hereWhat do you expect when you live in a town called Fort Gay

What do you expect when you live in a town called Fort Gay

By Blackwalt - Posted on 09 September 2010

...along the "Tug Fork" and "Big Sandy Rivers"

Location of Fort Gay, West VirginiaLocation of Fort Gay, West Virginia

Xbox ban hammer suspends a Gamer for "a rather crude and pejorative slur.

"Microsoft suspends 'Fort Gay' gamer

    Moore, who is unemployed and plays shooters using the nametag Joshanboo, tried to explain to Microsoft that Fort Gay is a real place, with real people and a real ZIP code: 25514. However, the Microsoft representative was having none of the Fort Gay talk.

    The representative reportedly threatened him with draconian cancellation unless he removed any trace of his Fort Gayness.

Microsoft did eventually get a clue.

    The company has admitted that it erred. Stephen Toulouse, who enjoys the rather stern title of director of policy and enforcement for Xbox Live, told the AP: "Absolutely, a mistake was made here, and we've updated our training to account for that."

    Fort Gay has been restored to the ramparts of Medal of Honor and Call of Duty. Moore will reportedly be receiving an apology and will be able to resume his battles across our great land with people of all political, sexual, and moral persuasions.

Via Kotaku but I linked to the C-Net because I enjoyed their version more.

And... "not that there is anything wrong with that."

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