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Blackwalt wins! More Headshots than Graybush!

By Blackwalt - Posted on 13 September 2010

224 - 223. It only took 37 levels

How long ago did we think that Level 34 was impossible?

Was that really only three days ago?

We were a little surprised to see Level 32 last night as our first two attempts ended badly at Level 12 and Level 13. I would like to say these failed attempts were Graybush's fault. I would like to but I can't.

No!: I don't want the fracking B.A.R.No!: I don't want the fracking B.A.R.

There always seems to be a Tickle Trunk favorite weapon that it keeps trying to get you to take. Today it was the B.A.R..

NO already!: I didn't take it last level, I'm not taking it now.NO already!: I didn't take it last level, I'm not taking it now.

See! B.A.R.!

Tickle Trunking on Level 35: Because we are totally out of ammoTickle Trunking on Level 35: Because we are totally out of ammo

Two light machine guns, both with only half a magazine. Graybush still had a WunderWaffe but no ammo. He actually traded away his Wunderwaffe on his brilliant plan to get one back.

It worked too which was really annoying as he wouldn't stop talking about it.

Setup for Level 36: Bring them onSetup for Level 36: Bring them on

Rayguns! Rayguns and Wunderwaffe are the way to go but we discovered that you could make your Light Machine Guns work in later levels unlike our previous experience.

    Zombies on level 34 are tough. Our "go to" weapons, the upgraded MG42 or Browning, were next to useless as the zombies seemed to walk through the stream of bullets until they were chewing on my arm

The previously verboten Double Tap Root Beer for $2000 is the key as it allows you to dump more bullets into the super zombies. Unfortunately it has the side effect of chewing through your ammo like there is no tomorrow. Which there wasn't.

Made it to Level 37: More Zombies to killMade it to Level 37: More Zombies to kill

But there was another Level! Level 37.

Level 37! Level 37! Level 37!: Blackwalt wins on headshots!Level 37! Level 37! Level 37!: Blackwalt wins on headshots!

What exalted heights we have reached. It was almost worth staying up to 12:30 AM to get through the last few levels. I started cursing Graybush past 11:30 and kept it up until we finished. I think that gave him additional motivation.

Note to Stormblade: Don't hurry to resurrect yourself this time. No rush. We're good.

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