You are hereDamn... looks like I didn't make it in time for the free DVD and camo-mic...

Damn... looks like I didn't make it in time for the free DVD and camo-mic...

By Dark Nightowl - Posted on 14 September 2010

Lineup for Halo ReachLineup for Halo Reach

I got to the Best Buy on Merivale Road after work just before 11 p.m. No sign of any members of the HoC that I know of. The poll indicated that three of us would be in a line for the midnight release. I figure Coxxorz and Blackwalt would be the most likely to appear (especially since this is the closest store).

I was half right. Coxxorz arrived shortly afterwards.

The line began moving at the stroke of midnight but they were restricting the number of people entering the store. Access was controlled at the door and there were two lines in the store. One handled pre-orders and the other line led directly to the cash registers at the front of the store.

Coxxorz and I completed our purchases an left the store at 12:30 a.m.
By this time the line at Best Buy had cleared as well as the line next door at Future Shop which was almost non-existent to begin with. I guess the free inflatable energy swordsand T-shirts BB gave out were more desirable than the camo-mics and DVDs that FS offered... not to mention the fact that BB guaranteed freebies for the first 100 people in line versus the first 20 at FS.

I'll have to have another look at Coxxorz's post because I couldn't tell how many people were originally in line at EB across the parking lot. There appeared to be two-dozen still in line as we drove away. Suckers!

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