You are hereA new Tomb Raider

A new Tomb Raider

By Blackwalt - Posted on 08 December 2010

Where's Angelina? What? ... NOOOOOO!

The next issue of GameInformer features the next release of Tomb Raider on the cover and includes a feature on the new rebirth of the series.

    Though Darrell Gallagher, head of Crystal Dynamics, says we should "forget everything you knew about Tomb Raider" and that this is "an origins story that creates Lara Croft and takes her on a character defining journey like no other," it's not clear if this is a relaunch or just an origin story that takes place in the series' already pretty convoluted time line.

More information available at Joystiq: Tomb Raider revealed by Square Enix in Game Informer.

An image of the cover, featuring a younger, dirtier Lara Croft, is available after the jump.

Just the frontJust the front

The full coverThe full cover

Amazingly enough, Gameinformer has a ton of information about this upcoming feature available on their own site: January Cover Revealed.

    In addition to the ten exclusive pages of Tomb Raider details, we’ve got a full book of other compelling content. Jeff Cork takes a look at gaming on the other side off the world, diving into policy and practices in Iran. Additionally, Annette Gonzales broke a sweat by rounding up and breaking down all the current Kinect fitness offerings at retail. Also, don’t forget to check out our previews of Dead Space 2 and L.A. Noire, and our final verdict on Warren Spector’s Epic Mickey.

Via Joystiq. Pretty much verbatim until I added a bunch of stuff from GameInformer.

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