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Strips 1 to 10

By Blackwalt - Posted on 02 April 2011

Strip #1: The experiment continues...

    Although this one in a different series thanks to Aku.
    And it pretty much wrote itself...

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Strip #2: HoC Live #2

    This is totally unrelated to any comments made today...

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Strip #3: HoC Live #3 – #2 revisited

    Because we play a team game

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Strip #4: 5 player coop, HoC style

    I seem to be stuck on a theme. And here is the link.

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Strip #5: Doomed I tell ya!

    Intense is the best review I can give Left 4 Dead

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Strip #6: Priceless

    I know its too many strips today but this one's topical..

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Strip #7: What is this "revive" you speak of?

    This may be remotely (very remotely) based on a true event. That may or may not have actually happened. And it wouldn't have happened last night. While playing Call of Duty: World at War. On Xbox live. Not happened that is...

    ...and they may have all died.

    Who really knows.

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Strip #8: Popularity

    Yeah, there's a link in case you missed it...

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Strip #9: Clan multiplayer

    Do you really need a link to explain this??

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Strip #10: Weak willed Namby-Pamby

    #3 btw

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