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Strips 11 to 20

By Blackwalt - Posted on 03 April 2011

Strip #11: Stormblade and friends

    Okay. This will probably be the last strip about Stormblade and Saints Row 2 but it was too good to hold back. I have two more in the queue that won't see the light of day. And I held another back to get this out first.

    No link. It's just supposed to be funny.

Comments available on the original post.

Strip #12: Far... far... far... far... far... away...

    ...and maybe a little out there.

    The HoC assignations became pretty much random at one point with only vague connections.

    Kudos and maybe a small prize to whomever guesses the actual characters. Clone Wars characters may be involved.

    This originally began as a side project between Rolly and I.

    Update: briefly pulled for a quick change (fix).

Many, many comments (and character chart) available on the original post.

Strip #13: No service

    This may be related to Call of Duty Zombie mode. Again.

Comment available on the original post.

Strip #14: Border Crossing

    No text. But instead we have the special bonus French Translation version:

    Douanes (Border Crossing version francaise)

      For Graybush and Stormblade

      Stormblade and Graybush were a little quick on the trigger for the new Zombie DLC for Call of Duty: World at War. So much so, that they both ended up with the Canadian version. Or in Microsoft speak, the french version. So Graybush and Stormblade play CoD Zombie mode with French zombies, soldiers and narration.

      Seems only fair that we provide them with a French Zombie HoC Live comic. By the way, they both claim Zombies are scarier in French. Who knows, it may very well be true.

Comments available, for the english version, on the original post.
Comments available, for the french version, on the original post.

Strip #15: Any month now...

    After my RROD console was replaced in a week, it came to my attention that another HoC Member still had not sent in his RROD console that broke several months ago. Sometime in 2008 I believe.

    This is not at all related to that.

Comment available on the original post.

Strip #16: Waiting...

    Removed write up that was for a different comic. Coming soon.

    Changed order at last second...

    PS- Despite being OBVIOUS I shameless stole the Q-Bert drawing from one of Disaster Piece's comics. I verbally mentioned this to someone this morning and had planned on adding this update to the comic EXCEPT that I couldn't get into the site as it was still down from my office.

Comments available on the original post.

Strip #17: Primary target attained

    Related link.

No comments.

Strip #18: Shi No Numa, HoC version

    Yes, we spent a lot of time in the Comm Room. Why do you ask?

No comments.

Strip #19: Different play styles

    Based on every game of Nazi Zombies.

Comments available on the original post.

Strip #20: A really inconvenient truth

    This was a rush job to catch the current topic.

Comments available on the original post.

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