You are hereTouring the Catwalk of Hope and Love
Touring the Catwalk of Hope and Love
Last night we started a Zombie Tour
It stalled on Black Ops Der Riese. I wish I could say this was the first time we've stayed up past 1:00 AM playing Der Riese but I can't.
So SammyD4 is new to Zombie Mode. With all the old Modes available in Black Ops we decided to give him a tour of Zombie Mode.
Friday we started with Nacht der Untoten and the two of us got to Level 13 which wasn't bad. This was previous to our Lunar tour.
Saturday With Graybush we visited:
- Verruckt: Level 7 I think. It ended poorly with SammyD4 and Graybush down on one side with a newly started Level and Blackwalt trying to work his way around the long way. I didn't make it.
- Shi No Numa: with Coxxorz joining us we made it to Level 4. Hell Hounds had their way with us
- Der Riese: all four of us again with verbal support from SeanMCR and Dark NightOwl who joined our Xbox Live Party. Level 27. Approximately three hours run time.
Der Riese took us back to our first love of Zombie Mode – the Catwalk of Hope and Love. And none of us wanted to leave.
Until we had to...
We seemed to have lots of money but with four players the Zombie hordes get more numerous. Levels 23-27 got exciting. We may have had money but we did not have ammo. All of us ran out of ammo at some point and we got creative about getting more. Buying the STG-44 off of the wall turned out to be next to useless. My attempt to upgrade it was a waste of $5000 as far as I could tell.
Level 25 Graybush and I teleported back to the pack-a-punch machine to buy and upgrade Trench guns. I made it back. To find Coxxorz and SammyD4 both down. I revived them and we continued on with Graybush. Still not sure what happened but he didn't make it back.
My memories of Level 26 are a blur but there was teleporting and tickle trunking and every single monkey bomb we had left.
Level 27, well, Level 27 we all ran our of ammo. When Graybush and I teleported across the map to get more ammo we didn't realize that Coxxorz was depending on SammyD4 to hold back the horde and SammyD4 was depending on Coxxorz to hold back the horde. Sorry to report that we did not manage to revive either of them
Still, from past experience, Level 27 in Der Riese is a good game for four players. It turned out to be a good stop on the tour.
And significantly long.
P.S.= SammyD4, despite the two night stay ending, has stated that he hopes for more Zombie mode. I guess, if we have to...
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