You are hereZombie Specific Ammo now available

Zombie Specific Ammo now available

By Blackwalt - Posted on 31 October 2011

Any Zombie Trick or Treaters at my house may be in for a surprise tonight

We talked about Zombie specific ammo back in 2007. Someone stole our idea and made it real.

This is a real product sold by Midsouth Shooters Supply. Available in multiple calibers. You know... just in case.

I ordered some 12 gauge 00 buckshot so I would be ready. Now if only I had a shotgun. For some reason the government of Ontario and Canada both seem to think giving me a shotgun would be a bad idea.

"Sorry officer, shooting your cruiser was an accident. Honest! I was aiming for Stormblade!"

Anyway, no shotgun but at least they didn't press any charges. They couldn't find a body...

    New From Hornady!!! Zombie Max Ammo! - You knew it was only a matter of time.... Whether you want to talk about them or not - Zombies are coming to a range near you! With the flood of Zombie Targets and shooting events now with Zombie themes, Hornady Manufacturing felt the ONLY ammo worth using was Certified Zombie Ammunition. Hornady has placed it's own special "Z-Max" Glowing Green Tipped Bullet in a variety of zombie shooting calibers. Hornady estimates shipping all calibers minus the 12ga around Oct 31st, 2011. Have no doubt, this is not a toy! This is live ammunition!

Via Geekologie.

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