You are hereHoC Clan Photo Nite!
HoC Clan Photo Nite!
That's right, it's time for our Christmas group photo. Here's how it works...
If you haven't already signed up for a free Call of Duty Elite membership, do so now. This will allow us to invite you (officially) into the Clan, and then we can participate in Clan Events, one of which happens to be a contest for best group photo! Winning (and sometimes just participating) in Events is one way to earn Clan XP, which will help us unlock cool things like custom clan tags and symbols and shit.
There are other events, of course, like the usual killing related kind, but who cares? There's even still time to enter the Strike a Pose with a Chicken event.
And if you don't have Modern Warfare 3, why are you still sitting there reading this? GO get it NOW!