You are hereIntroducing Operation Raccoon City's Wolfpack #3

Introducing Operation Raccoon City's Wolfpack #3

By Blackwalt - Posted on 16 March 2012

Spectre: Umbrella Corporation's Wolfpack surveillance expert

    Who's looking forward to seeing Spectre in REORC? - The surveillance expert with bio thermal and sonar vision!

Full bio after the break.


Previously with the former Soviet Union’s security services, Spectre was well suited to his role as an intelligence technician where his lack of any standout physical or social characteristics helped him to remain virtually invisible in any situation.

His work brought him into contact with the seedier side of life – something he soon discovered he had an affinity for. He exploited his underworld network for his own gain – namely blackmail – which eventually brought him into conflict with the authorities. As a result, Spectre had to flee Russia with investigators and authorities on his heels every step of the way.

He found a home with us, and his surveillance skills have regularly ensured that the corporation stays well informed and the Wolfpack keeps the upper hand in combat situations.

Specialist skills and equipment:

Proximity Detection

Spectre’s mini map appears large on his HUD and automatically reveals enemies.

Item Detection

Spectre’s unmatched vision means he can see all items in the immediate vicinity and on his mini map.

Biothermal Vision

A talent that reveals living targets so Spectre can determine their health.

Threat Scanner

Allows him to scan the surrounding area for targets – he then relays the results to his teammates.

Sonar Vision

Spectre can see enemies and allies through walls and other objects.

Via Resident Evil (re-games) on Twitter.
Full Bio found inside Umbrella Corporation's secret files.

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