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Free DLC coming for Operation Raccoon City

By Blackwalt - Posted on 17 March 2012

Play as the good guys on April 10th

    One of the coolest aspects of Operation Raccoon City's multiplayer is its three-sided battlefield. Umbrella Security Service members, who are there to cover up the zombie outbreak, clash with Spec-Ops soldiers sent to get answers and figure out exactly what went down. While those two factions bicker and trade shots, zombies and BOWs wreak havoc all around, targeting anything with a pulse.

    Thanks to the campaign story, we get to spend some time with the USS and, even though  they're technically the bad guys, relate to them on some level. But what about those Spec-Ops folks? Well, they're going to be playable in a free DLC mission coming April 10 to Xbox 360 and PS3, one that just so happens to revisit an important moment from Resident Evil 3...
    This free mission features not just the Spec-Ops squad (most prominently seen in the incredible Triple Impact trailer
    added at the end of the story - Ed), but also recreates the scene where Jill Valentine must escape the rampaging Nemesis. So we get a shot at new characters, plus a chance to see an old favorite caught in the middle.

Only three days left...

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