You are hereStrips 71 to 80

Strips 71 to 80

By Blackwalt - Posted on 18 March 2012

Strip #71: The Umbrella Corporation is doomed

    Okay. So some of the name replacements were obvious and some of them were not.

    Some of them may have required the complete suspension of disbelief.

    The vandalized artwork belongs to Drv3r and here is a direct link to the original.

    I have made available a Hi-Res Jpeg of just the modified HoC image. I personally cropped it into an absolutely stellar desktop background. You can use it for whatever you want. *cough* dartboard *cough*

    Only five days left...

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Strip #72: Future outlook improves for Umbrella Corporation

    The name replacements were a little more work this time but I thought we needed a rebuttal to the The Umbrella Corporation is doomed version.

    The vandalized artwork once again belongs to Drv3r and here is a direct link to the original.

    I have made available a Hi-Res Jpeg of just the modified HoC image.

    Only three days left...

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Strip #73: No staple shall escape his sight

    Not sure where I saw the Assassin's Creed logo compared to a staple remover, probably 9GAG, but when I saw it, it immediately morphed into this.

    What can I say, when a budding hero sets out to save the free world he needs to set his sights... at a more reasonable level.

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Strip #74: SeanEMASCULATED

    While I have played with SeanMCR(1) I did not witness this conversational gem. It was relayed to me by someone who shall remain unnamed.

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Strip #75: Surprise!

    Even with a pre-existing reminder I still managed to forget it was somebody's birthday. Don't worry though, someone else reminded me.

    To properly commemorate this year's celebration (and for desperately needed content) I remade his birthday card into a HoC Live comic.

    Anyone who cares enough to click on the original link can see images of the card.

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Strip #76: Solo sport

    It wrote itself.

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Strip #77: No escape

    This is in response to SeanMCR's post.

    For reference Rmeas, we all do, we all do.

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Strip #78: The game no one wanted

    Based on Moricerevek's comment and his tendency to play games as characters named Buttercup.

    This took a little more work than most strips but I think it was worth it. Still not planning on buying Lollipop Chainsaw but this is moving me closer.

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Strip #79: HoC follows a meme

    Big surprise but this is based on Hardwood's post.

    This was easier than chasing down Playful with a slice of bread. Not that I tried or anything, these bandages could have come from anywhere.

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Strip #80: HoC Alignment Chart

    This (obviously) came out of SeanMCR6's post and everyone's attempts to assign clan members into the different categories.

    Somehow this assignment chart seems more accurate.

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