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Black Ops 2: Network issues – SeanMCR???

By Blackwalt - Posted on 21 November 2012

How does SeanMCR fix all my network problems?

Blackwalt 26-14, SeanMCR 14-18Blackwalt 26-14, SeanMCR 14-18

So I squeezed in a little Black Ops II before catching up with SeanMCR again and I would say my network issues are not totally resolved.

16-21, 15-17, 2-8, 15-31, 8-7.

Not to mention the new "issue" where as a single player I keep getting slotted in to fill up matches as they end. Of course, the reasons the matches have space is the losing players have abandoned the game. So not only do you get slotted in without a choice. You are placed on the losing team with no time to do anything about it. Thanks for that additional defeat on my record btw. For some reason you never get placed on the winning team seconds before the game ends. Nope, just the losing team.

But more about my time with SeanMCR (note these all happened on the same server):

Blackwalt 23-18, SeanMCR 26-24Blackwalt 23-18, SeanMCR 26-24

Blackwalt 24-18, SeanMCR 16-21Blackwalt 24-18, SeanMCR 16-21

Blackwalt 15-25, SeanMCR 9-21Blackwalt 15-25, SeanMCR 9-21

Something weird about the last image (15-25). I have been using the Call of Duty Elite website to track these images and keep them in the right order. My final score according to the last image was 15-25 – my final score according to Elite was 9-18. Same game based on time and order but different results. Weird. Like I didn't distrust the Elite website already.

Needless to say, according to the above photography evidence playing with SeanMCR seems to fix my network problems. I don't get it either but there it is in photographs.

Mind you, it doesn't seem to help SeanMCR at all but I appreciated his sacrifice. Honest I did.

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