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Rye Wars: a wild experiment

By Blackwalt - Posted on 10 January 2013

Which you all knew was going to happen

And it did.

As you all know by now the top of my bar fridge is an advertisement for Forty Creek. We have on display Forty Creek Barrel Select, Forty Creek Copper Pot, Forty Creek Double Barrel, Forty Creek Confederation Oak and even Forty Creek Cream Liquor.

What to do, what to do. Well it's me so...

One night I was looking over my vast array of goodness and decided to do a taste experiment. But it was late and I needed to get on Xbox Live eventually so I decided to do the short version. Yes, I short cut the taste test. How you ask?

One man, one glass, five Forty Creek ryes. I mean really, why even bother drinking them separately?

The Forty Creek Cream Liquor didn't even curdle as much as I expected it to...

Now know this right off, I wasn't attempted to spontaneously create yet another micro-universe. Once is enough. I just wanted to carry out a legitimate rye experiment.

So I did, All five Forty Creeks into one glass. Then I lifted to my lips and took a sip of the most glorious concoction to ever be made in my basement.

And I can not tell a lie. I vaguely remember that first sip being delicious. I am also fairly sure the next few sips were pretty good to. After that though…

After that things got a little blurry. By blurry I mean completely black. Unconscious you might say.

I definitely remember waking up the next morning. On the basement floor with a blanket thrown over me and a suspiciously toe shaped bruise starting to form on my rib cage. And my head, ouch! I also have partial memories of someone cursing at me in a loud voice but since I know no one in my house could possibly know those words or direct them toward me I assume that was alcohol induced false memory.

Now I am still not completely sure about exactly what happened and Guba won't let me take a cast of her toe so I probably never will but I will always have fond, although slightly vague, memories of just how delicious that first sip was. Unfortunately my completely solid memories of how hard the basement floor is may cause me a delay in any future experimentation along this path.

For now, anyway, for now.

Previous Rye Wars posts:

  1. Sorry Stormblade but Guba already bought my affections
  2. The Rye Wars continue
  3. A new entry!
  4. Now this is awkward

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